Directions from Tokyo to Nikko by train or bus [Nikko Toshogu] [Kinugawa Onsen][how to get to nikko]

Speaking of Nikko, there are many places where you can enjoy sightseeing such as Nikko Toshogu and Kinugawa Onsen. You can take a day trip from Tokyo, but if you can, stay overnight at the hot spring and relax.

 Directions from Tokyo to Nikko

To go from Tokyo to Nikko, it’s a train, bus or car. This time, we will introduce how to go by public transportation such as trains and buses.

When you arrive in Nikko, there is a reasonable World Heritage tour bus, so it’s convenient to ride on the bus.

Shinkansen / train (ride time: about 2 hours)

  • You can take the Shinkansen from Tokyo or Ueno to Utsunomiya and take a train from Utsunomiya to Nikko.
  • There are direct express trains from JR Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Urawa and Omiya to Tobu Nikko-Tobu World Square-Kinugawa Onsen.
  • You can also take an express train from Asakusa to Tobu Nikko.

In addition, although it is few and popular, it is very difficult to make a reservation, but it is fun to ride a private train for 4 people.

Express bus (ride time 3-4 hours)

  • Tokyo Station-Tobu Nikko Station
  • Haneda International Airport-Tobu Nikko Station

It’s very convenient because you can go directly to the airport and go straight to the airport, such as tourists visiting Japan or those who came by plane.

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